Toglo gwelededd dewislen symudol

Gwasanaeth Anabledd Integredig


Tudalen Wybodaeth GAI

Amdano'r tîm Gwneud atgyfeiriad Cyflwyno MARF Cysylltu â'r tîm

Amdano'r tîm

Mae'r Gwasanaeth Anabledd Integredig i Blant yn dîm sy'n darparu cymorth gwaith cymdeithasol i blant sydd angen cymorth ychwanegol i ddiwallu eu hanghenion gofal cymdeithasol (yn ychwanegol at yr hyn y gellir ei ddarparu gan Wasanaethau Cyffredinol neu Wedi'u Targedu yn y gymuned) oherwydd bod ganddynt anghenion dwys.

Darllenwch Fwy o Wybodaeth (Ewch i Amdano'r tîm)

Gwneud atgyfeiriad

This is the single point of access for Children's Services in Powys and is where families and professionals can contact for Information, Advice and Assistance. All referrals are made through this point (professionals should use the MARF in the next tab), following this a decision is made at the front door regarding which is the appropriate team for the referral to be allocated to.

Darllenwch Fwy o Wybodaeth (Ewch i Gwneud atgyfeiriad)

Cyflwyno MARF

For professionals referring - If there are safeguarding concerns for a child then a referral should be made immediately by telephone to the Front Door team and then followed up by a MARF within 24 hours in accordance with the All Wales Safeguarding Procedures. If there are immediate safety concerns police should be contacted on 999.

Darllenwch Fwy o Wybodaeth (Ewch i Cyflwyno MARF)

Cysylltu â'r tîm

Contact details for the team if you are open to the Integrated Disability Service or are working with a child who is; please remember that to make contact about any child not currently open to the team you should contact Powys Front Door

Gweld rhagor (Ewch i Cysylltu â'r tîm)
Amdano'r tîm Amdano'r tîm

Amdano'r tîm

Mae'r Gwasanaeth Anabledd Integredig i Blant yn dîm sy'n darparu cymorth gwaith cymdeithasol i blant sydd angen cymorth ychwanegol i ddiwallu eu hanghenion gofal cymdeithasol (yn ychwanegol at yr hyn y gellir ei ddarparu gan Wasanaethau Cyffredinol neu Wedi'u Targedu yn y gymuned) oherwydd bod ganddynt anghenion dwys.

Darllenwch Fwy o Wybodaeth (Ewch i Amdano'r tîm)
Gwneud atgyfeiriad Gwneud atgyfeiriad

Gwneud atgyfeiriad

This is the single point of access for Children's Services in Powys and is where families and professionals can contact for Information, Advice and Assistance. All referrals are made through this point (professionals should use the MARF in the next tab), following this a decision is made at the front door regarding which is the appropriate team for the referral to be allocated to.

Darllenwch Fwy o Wybodaeth (Ewch i Gwneud atgyfeiriad)
Cyflwyno MARF Cyflwyno MARF

Cyflwyno MARF

For professionals referring - If there are safeguarding concerns for a child then a referral should be made immediately by telephone to the Front Door team and then followed up by a MARF within 24 hours in accordance with the All Wales Safeguarding Procedures. If there are immediate safety concerns police should be contacted on 999.

Darllenwch Fwy o Wybodaeth (Ewch i Cyflwyno MARF)
Cysylltu â'r tîm Cysylltu â'r tîm

Cysylltu â'r tîm

Contact details for the team if you are open to the Integrated Disability Service or are working with a child who is; please remember that to make contact about any child not currently open to the team you should contact Powys Front Door

Gweld rhagor (Ewch i Cysylltu â'r tîm)

Rhannu'r dudalen hon

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