Toglo gwelededd dewislen symudol

Gweld yr hysbysiad llawn

Hysbysiad: Byddwn yn cynnal gwaith cynnal a chadw ar wefan Cyngor Sir Powys ddydd Mercher, 12 Mawrth

Y Gronfa i Fusnesau dan Gyfyngiadau

Ar Gau


This is to help businesses with their immediate cash flow and to help them survive the economic consequences of lockdown restrictions.


The previous grant payment schemes for December to March are now closed to new applicants.

The new March scheme being introduced will help businesses meet operating costs for the 2020/21 financial year.  Welsh Government have decided NOT to have a further round of discretionary grant payments.

The scheme is open from midnight on 15th March 2021 and closes at 5pm on Wednesday 31st March 2021.



If you need help to apply or support around grant advice or benefit or awards support please call us on 01597 826345.


Restrictions Business Fund - Business Rates Grants for March 2021

The full scheme guidance is here

If you need help to apply or support around grant advice or benefit or awards support please call us on 01597 826345.

Grants between £4k to £5k are available if your business or organisation is:

  • Materially Impacted OR forced to close as a direct result of the lockdown restrictions that started in December providing that:
    • You occupy a property on 1st March 2021 that is liable to pay Business Rates.
    • It has a rateable value up to £500,000. 
    • Your business is a hospitality, tourism, leisure, retail businesses or organisation
    • Or you are a supply chain businesses TO hospitality, tourism and leisure and non-essential retail businesses.

To help you here are some examples of a hospitality businesses or organisation impacted by the additional restrictions.  Please note these are a guide.

  • Restaurants / Cafés / Pubs / Bars or wine bars /hotels / Cinemas / Bowling alleys / Bingo halls / non-essential retail / Hair Salons / Estate Agents / Community Centres / Guest Houses

The Welsh Government list of closures from 20th December is here


For all businesses that we have paid for December to March, we are now able to make one more payment in March 2021. This will be automated over the new few weeks and YOU DON'T need to apply again.

If you haven't yet made any application for the grant scheme but you think you may be eligible then you should apply below.

This new grant payment doesn't allow you to apply for the previous payment rounds.


How do I know if I should still complete a form or not? - We have set up the online form to tell you early on if we have already awarded you the grant. If it lets you complete the form and submit then that means we still need an application from you.


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